Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Still very HAPPY

(so happy with you)
(happy with)

Softly kissing you as you lie sleeping
Breathing gently with you in your slumber
Your face is the picture of contentment
My angels dreaming my angels dreaming

(so happy with you)
Im so happy with you
So happy with you
So happy with you
So happy with you

Slowly opening your wondrous eyes on me
Shining green and glorious in the morning sun
This moment what could be more precious?
May it live forever may it live forever

(so happy with you)
Im so happy with you
So happy with you
So happy with you
So happy with you

Smiling on me your love gives me all the blessings of this new day
The heat in your skin caresses my senses in such a glorious way

(Im so happy with you)
Smiling on me your love gives me all the blessings of this new day
The heat in your skin caresses my senses in such a glorious way

(so happy with you)
Im so happy with you
So happy with you
So happy with you
So happy with you

Smiling on me your love gives me all the blessings of this new day
The heat in your skin caresses my senses in such a glorious way

So Happy with you, so happy with you

Softly - Lamb

Thursday, January 3, 2008

E esta pq sim!

I Believe - Simian Mobile Disco

Esta é só pq me apetece!

I Need Your Love - The Rapture

and Total BITCH Lyrics

Happy Without You


(speaking) Without you, yeah come on (verse)

It took a long time but I'm back again for good

It really hurt me but now I finally understood

The day I left you must be the greatest in my life

I hear without you there's only peace around, no fight

I tried so hard tooh doing everything I could

Manipulated, made to think I was no good

In your possession every day was a bad dream

So naïve then, well I was young and sixteen

(chorus)Oh...he was my honey, he was my honey

Happy without no honey

Oh...he was my honey, he was my honey

Happy without you honey

(speaking)Funny how things change, yeah?

Yesterday would all be a lie

I told you, now it's all good

(bridge)I'm feeling down, it took a time, it took a time for me to heal for what I thought was love,

but I was wrong blinded by your flashy love

When I was weak and you were there, well it was obvious you did not care about the one,

No you don't bother, well I'm happy without you, honey

(verse)Oh yeah they told me you should be careful what you do

They only use you for his pleasures and absurds

The love I gave you it was the last that you deserved

Call us a nice time to own somebody, that's absurd

(chorus)Oh...he was my honey, he was my honey

Happy without no honey (happy without you honey)

Oh...he was my honey, he was my honey

Happy without you honey (oh oh oh happy without you)

Oh...he was my honey he was my honey

Happy without no honey

Happy without you

I'm happy without you

I'm happy without you, boy.

Total BITCH Music!!!

Mr. Perfect VS Mr. Wrong & the winner is....Mr. Perfect, but not too much!!!

O que devemos fazer quando nos apercebemos que a pessoa em quem apostámos e que é aparentemente perfeita, afinal não é aquela que queremos???
E pior, o que fazemos quando a pessoa que queremos é tão errada que até dói???
Devemos mandar tudo à fava e continuar uma luta inglória e de sofrimento por uma pessoa que não merece, mas ficar de bem com a nossa consciência porque estamos a ser fiéis aos nossos sentimentos, ou ficar com o "Mr. Perfect", mas sempre a pensar no outro???
Sinto-me perdida...
Já não sei o que é certo ou errado, perdi a noção...
Sinto-me estúpida, porque SOU estúpida por me sentir assim...
Só quero o que não tenho e quando tenho já não quero, mas por outro lado também sei que sou capaz de ter relações saudáveis e duradouras, porque já as tive...
Será que é porque o verdadeiro "Mr. Perfect" ainda não apareceu???
Será que ele sequer existe???
Será que eu quero um "Mr. Perfect" (que seca!!!)???
E o mais engraçado disto tudo é que sempre que me sinto assim, penso sempre num outro, num terceiro que adoro, que me faz rir, que percebe as minhas piadas, que me consola e a quem se calhar ainda nunca dei uma verdadeira oportunidade no meu coração (também por uma questão de timings desencontrados) e só me apetece ligar-lhe e aninhar-me nos seus braços até me esquecer de mim própria...
Ai, que raiva, já nem eu tenho pachorra para este melodrama com contornos de novela mexicana de segunda categoria!!!
Vou borrifar-me para isto tudo e fugir para o Tibete com o terceiro, quem sabe se não é ele o "Mr. Perfect, but not too much"...... ;)